Friday, November 16, 2018


Nobody can force a person to vote. It's a volunteering action to make as a citizen to let the government knows what we want to do. Voting matters in different ways, it helps us as Americans to have a voice in our democracy. It is a simple step to make sure the government represents us. If we want to lower taxes, more spend funds or more services, we could go vote to make a difference. We can make a difference by voting!. I used to think voting is a useless thing to do because we as American are very diverse and high in population, so it doesn't matter if we vote or not. I came to realize how important voting is and that every vote count after being informed by professors and classmates.  In your(Ciara) recent post “vote vote vote”, both you( Ciara) and I shared a common perspective towards voting. You (Ciara) has made a good point mentioned that “ your vote is much more than just a tally”. It might not be the most important thing, but it’s a starting point to become more involve and inform in politics. As some younger people like us been neglecting the importance of political issues such as Immigration, of gun rights, they believe that voting doesn’t matter. However, we both appreciate how the previous election turns out as many younger people made an effort to go vote. If every person thinks voting doesn’t count, then the voter turnout will decrease greatly. The lower the voter turnout is, the worst our democracy is turning because our government doesn’t know what we want. White, land-owning male will take over as how it used to. An election might be decided by a single vote. Especially, many people don't have the opportunity to go vote.

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