Friday, November 2, 2018

The end of birthright citizenship

                Travel ban, Family Separation, and now in the process of ending birthright citizenship. The real question is, Is it beneficial to us?. President Trump has been very strict on Immigration and overusing his power for his own personal beliefs. Some also believe that he has always been talking instead of taking action for what could benefit the citizens of the US. As a US citizen, he is surely making me nervous with all the actions he claims to “make America great again”. Many troops ordered to protects the border, he also have been trying to organize Executive order to override the guarantee childbirth on American soil. Although this idea would be an excellent tool for those who misuse the system, especially birth tourism. I understand that those who misused the system need to be eliminated, however, it is against the 14th amendment, the right of anyone who was born on American soil would automatically a US citizen despite for their parent status. Some factors we have to encounter is the increasing numbers of undocumented immigrants. The United States is made up of many different people from different countries, the diversity of people is what made America today. We are proud to have such diversity, end childbirth citizenship would affect our culture as a whole. President trump argument is not to let people invade our country and it goes against what we as American are. I also believe that the 14th amendment stated clearly that only children of foreign diplomats, ambassadors or foreign enemy combatants are not afforded citizenship. Immigration is a topic that should concern us, but not a top priority topic. Topics should get more attention are Healthcare or Gun rights. We have plenty of topics to focus on, why choose immigration, keeping immigrants out as of we didn't benefit anything from them. Imagine a day without immigrants, places would shut down because many of them are contributing to America's economy. The process of using Executive Order to end birthright citizenship is laughable because it was a set rule. If it only takes Executive Order from the president to end is very questionable. With all the respect for president Trump, This is not necessary route right now for the Midterm election.

1 comment:

  1. After reading about my fellow classmate, Katy Huynh's standpoint on the topic birthright citizen, many contradicting thoughts came to my mind that might make more sense for current America. To begin, she quoted that "Immigration is a topic of concern, but should not be a top priority topic". Although we can all agree there are more serious cases, this topic of immigration plays an enormous role in the future of America. A common claim people who are for not focusing on keep illegal immigrants out of our country is that they do the "dirty jobs" that Americans "don't want to do". Although I am totally on board with that claim and do realize that illegal immigrants work many of the jobs that keep major establishments running, but in order for us to make America great again, we must be able to offer these jobs to legal American citizens. If we begin to enforce stricter laws against illegal immigration, it will open many jobs for legal unemployed citizens. Even if they're not making a killer salary, it is better than being homeless and it can keep the economy running. Lastly, if we enforce stricter laws on illegal immigration, it will encourage illegal citizens to apply for citizenship and become a citizen legally.

    Although my beliefs and claims are for the very longterm future of America, the "revolution" must begin eventually...if ever.


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