Thursday, November 29, 2018

Gun is no fun

                Gun rights have always been a controversial topic to debate and concern. Especially our generation, the access to guns is much easier than ever, and it could be one of the reasons why mass shootings repeatedly happen. People with mental or physical retardation or people who're being aggressive, those to believe that could n’t handle the gun properly could get a hold on to a deadly weapon such as a gun is very dangerous. They might not have bad intentions but their actions said otherwise. I agree that there are different scenarios when we do and do not need to obtain a gun. Even Though the topic is debatable I’m leaning towards the decision of not having a gun laying around at all. Although I appreciated the idea of having a concealed gun, it still makes me nervous and questioning the right of owning a gun. Different real-life examples have happened right before my eyes make me nervous around people with guns. I understand that in certain circumstances, to be able to know how to use a gun is very useful. Such as using it for self-defense. However, I’ve only seen negative results from it. It has always been a scary object to hold because, with one wrong move, someone’s life could end with or without the intention to do so.
According to Rogers, in an article “Trump Administration Is Set to Ban Bump Stock Devices on Guns” President Trump taking a step to ban bump stocks. The bump stocks were designed for a positive reason, but some took it for the wrong reasons. The devices could put many innocent lives on the line. I supported the decision because at the very least It might be a helpful step to slowly end the idea of people who were thinking to use it wrongfully.  This is the beginning to think about the advantages and disadvantages of owning a gun. The author stated in her article that “ the deadliest in modern history, a gunman using weapons outfitted with a bump stock device killed 58 people. The gunman fired off about 90 rounds in 10 seconds”. How many more lives could end with ONE person making an awful decision?

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Gun is no fun

                Gun rights have always been a controversial topic to debate and concern. Especially our generation, the access to guns is mu...