Thursday, November 29, 2018

Gun is no fun

                Gun rights have always been a controversial topic to debate and concern. Especially our generation, the access to guns is much easier than ever, and it could be one of the reasons why mass shootings repeatedly happen. People with mental or physical retardation or people who're being aggressive, those to believe that could n’t handle the gun properly could get a hold on to a deadly weapon such as a gun is very dangerous. They might not have bad intentions but their actions said otherwise. I agree that there are different scenarios when we do and do not need to obtain a gun. Even Though the topic is debatable I’m leaning towards the decision of not having a gun laying around at all. Although I appreciated the idea of having a concealed gun, it still makes me nervous and questioning the right of owning a gun. Different real-life examples have happened right before my eyes make me nervous around people with guns. I understand that in certain circumstances, to be able to know how to use a gun is very useful. Such as using it for self-defense. However, I’ve only seen negative results from it. It has always been a scary object to hold because, with one wrong move, someone’s life could end with or without the intention to do so.
According to Rogers, in an article “Trump Administration Is Set to Ban Bump Stock Devices on Guns” President Trump taking a step to ban bump stocks. The bump stocks were designed for a positive reason, but some took it for the wrong reasons. The devices could put many innocent lives on the line. I supported the decision because at the very least It might be a helpful step to slowly end the idea of people who were thinking to use it wrongfully.  This is the beginning to think about the advantages and disadvantages of owning a gun. The author stated in her article that “ the deadliest in modern history, a gunman using weapons outfitted with a bump stock device killed 58 people. The gunman fired off about 90 rounds in 10 seconds”. How many more lives could end with ONE person making an awful decision?

Friday, November 16, 2018


Nobody can force a person to vote. It's a volunteering action to make as a citizen to let the government knows what we want to do. Voting matters in different ways, it helps us as Americans to have a voice in our democracy. It is a simple step to make sure the government represents us. If we want to lower taxes, more spend funds or more services, we could go vote to make a difference. We can make a difference by voting!. I used to think voting is a useless thing to do because we as American are very diverse and high in population, so it doesn't matter if we vote or not. I came to realize how important voting is and that every vote count after being informed by professors and classmates.  In your(Ciara) recent post “vote vote vote”, both you( Ciara) and I shared a common perspective towards voting. You (Ciara) has made a good point mentioned that “ your vote is much more than just a tally”. It might not be the most important thing, but it’s a starting point to become more involve and inform in politics. As some younger people like us been neglecting the importance of political issues such as Immigration, of gun rights, they believe that voting doesn’t matter. However, we both appreciate how the previous election turns out as many younger people made an effort to go vote. If every person thinks voting doesn’t count, then the voter turnout will decrease greatly. The lower the voter turnout is, the worst our democracy is turning because our government doesn’t know what we want. White, land-owning male will take over as how it used to. An election might be decided by a single vote. Especially, many people don't have the opportunity to go vote.

Friday, November 2, 2018

The end of birthright citizenship

                Travel ban, Family Separation, and now in the process of ending birthright citizenship. The real question is, Is it beneficial to us?. President Trump has been very strict on Immigration and overusing his power for his own personal beliefs. Some also believe that he has always been talking instead of taking action for what could benefit the citizens of the US. As a US citizen, he is surely making me nervous with all the actions he claims to “make America great again”. Many troops ordered to protects the border, he also have been trying to organize Executive order to override the guarantee childbirth on American soil. Although this idea would be an excellent tool for those who misuse the system, especially birth tourism. I understand that those who misused the system need to be eliminated, however, it is against the 14th amendment, the right of anyone who was born on American soil would automatically a US citizen despite for their parent status. Some factors we have to encounter is the increasing numbers of undocumented immigrants. The United States is made up of many different people from different countries, the diversity of people is what made America today. We are proud to have such diversity, end childbirth citizenship would affect our culture as a whole. President trump argument is not to let people invade our country and it goes against what we as American are. I also believe that the 14th amendment stated clearly that only children of foreign diplomats, ambassadors or foreign enemy combatants are not afforded citizenship. Immigration is a topic that should concern us, but not a top priority topic. Topics should get more attention are Healthcare or Gun rights. We have plenty of topics to focus on, why choose immigration, keeping immigrants out as of we didn't benefit anything from them. Imagine a day without immigrants, places would shut down because many of them are contributing to America's economy. The process of using Executive Order to end birthright citizenship is laughable because it was a set rule. If it only takes Executive Order from the president to end is very questionable. With all the respect for president Trump, This is not necessary route right now for the Midterm election.

Friday, October 19, 2018

There May Soon Be Three Internets. America’s Won’t Necessarily Be the Best.

On October 15, 2018, the New York Times published an article by The Editorial Board titled “There May Soon Be Three Internets. America’s Won’t Necessarily Be the Best.”. The Editorial board includes numerous professional journalists. They have posted a question which all of us would like to find more about, because the modern day technology is increasing, and almost everyone is relying on the internet for information. The prediction of Mr.Schmidt, that  Internet, a global communication network to be divided into three different internets. The Editorial Board provide evidence such as China tightens control over its citizen online information, the darker side of bringing people together through social media. Each continent or country is beginning to set rules and regulations, in which could possibly oppose each other.  If disagreement happens, it would support Mr.Schmidt statement about the separation of the internet.  Another example they included is about contradicting relationship of Google working for China to create a search engine, despite the unfriendly relations of both country America and China. The Editorial Board later finalized as what the future bringing is unclear and thus we should think about these issues seriously.
Let's admit it, almost every one of our generation can’t live without their phone, not even mentioning the internet. The Internet is the main source for people to connect with each other and to look for information. We all know the good influence and bad influence the internet brought to us. However, it’s what keeps us informed and connected. Imagine, what would it be if the internet is strictly divided between these three internets?. I agree with The editorial board that It could create many negative outcomes such as innovations, the decrease in internet usage, or the loss of connections. The disadvantages are overcoming the advantage if separated.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Police found guilty

The author named Miriam Krinsky had published an article about Police officer fou on UsA today. Author’s intended audience is basically all Americans, informing them that we really need to take a look at the police systems. I agree with the author that we are living in the time where public trust is at all time. And the problem between police and citizens have been very problematic and instense for the past few years and whether or not we can trust police for protection. The article is very short but powerful . It left us with a debateable question what evidences has been hiding from us. The author mentioned that the time it took for the video to released is super long after the indicident. However ai think there is too much negativity in this article. One bad police doesnt mean all of the police officers out there are bad in anyways

Friday, September 21, 2018

Political Bias in search results

On September 21, 2018, the New York Times published an article by Kate Coger and titled Google C.E.O Denies Allegations of Political Bias in Search Results. Kate Coger is a technology reporter in San Franciso that covers the topic in relation to policy, privacy, and labor. This topic is very interesting because It could be foreshadowing the further discussion of the filter bubble. Filter bubble is generally algorithms select guesses from what you've clicked or searched on. This became a big issue because of how differently each individual results compare to each other.

As the CEO of Google mentioned  "trust our users place in us is our greatest asset", he denied any bias in their products. This article is typically short but very interesting for people who wanted to flow up with the assumption of how Google, specifically bias on political issues, which affects users greatly. This article might just be the starting argument relating to this matter.

Gun is no fun

                Gun rights have always been a controversial topic to debate and concern. Especially our generation, the access to guns is mu...