Friday, October 19, 2018

There May Soon Be Three Internets. America’s Won’t Necessarily Be the Best.

On October 15, 2018, the New York Times published an article by The Editorial Board titled “There May Soon Be Three Internets. America’s Won’t Necessarily Be the Best.”. The Editorial board includes numerous professional journalists. They have posted a question which all of us would like to find more about, because the modern day technology is increasing, and almost everyone is relying on the internet for information. The prediction of Mr.Schmidt, that  Internet, a global communication network to be divided into three different internets. The Editorial Board provide evidence such as China tightens control over its citizen online information, the darker side of bringing people together through social media. Each continent or country is beginning to set rules and regulations, in which could possibly oppose each other.  If disagreement happens, it would support Mr.Schmidt statement about the separation of the internet.  Another example they included is about contradicting relationship of Google working for China to create a search engine, despite the unfriendly relations of both country America and China. The Editorial Board later finalized as what the future bringing is unclear and thus we should think about these issues seriously.
Let's admit it, almost every one of our generation can’t live without their phone, not even mentioning the internet. The Internet is the main source for people to connect with each other and to look for information. We all know the good influence and bad influence the internet brought to us. However, it’s what keeps us informed and connected. Imagine, what would it be if the internet is strictly divided between these three internets?. I agree with The editorial board that It could create many negative outcomes such as innovations, the decrease in internet usage, or the loss of connections. The disadvantages are overcoming the advantage if separated.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Police found guilty

The author named Miriam Krinsky had published an article about Police officer fou on UsA today. Author’s intended audience is basically all Americans, informing them that we really need to take a look at the police systems. I agree with the author that we are living in the time where public trust is at all time. And the problem between police and citizens have been very problematic and instense for the past few years and whether or not we can trust police for protection. The article is very short but powerful . It left us with a debateable question what evidences has been hiding from us. The author mentioned that the time it took for the video to released is super long after the indicident. However ai think there is too much negativity in this article. One bad police doesnt mean all of the police officers out there are bad in anyways

Gun is no fun

                Gun rights have always been a controversial topic to debate and concern. Especially our generation, the access to guns is mu...