Friday, September 21, 2018

Political Bias in search results

On September 21, 2018, the New York Times published an article by Kate Coger and titled Google C.E.O Denies Allegations of Political Bias in Search Results. Kate Coger is a technology reporter in San Franciso that covers the topic in relation to policy, privacy, and labor. This topic is very interesting because It could be foreshadowing the further discussion of the filter bubble. Filter bubble is generally algorithms select guesses from what you've clicked or searched on. This became a big issue because of how differently each individual results compare to each other.

As the CEO of Google mentioned  "trust our users place in us is our greatest asset", he denied any bias in their products. This article is typically short but very interesting for people who wanted to flow up with the assumption of how Google, specifically bias on political issues, which affects users greatly. This article might just be the starting argument relating to this matter.

Gun is no fun

                Gun rights have always been a controversial topic to debate and concern. Especially our generation, the access to guns is mu...